Jun 11, 2009 6:00 AM
The Super Market News
Nine out of ten retailers (92%) report that their companies were victims of organized retail crime during the past year, up 8% from 2008, according to the fifth annual Organized Retail Crime survey conducted by the National Retail Federation here.An Ebay exec responding to the article says: "The National Retail Federation's recent report on organized retail crime is filled with best guesses vs. facts and hard numbers," he said. "It simply doesn't make sense to blame online marketplaces for a problem that has existed since well before the Internet was invented."
The article makes no mention of what they considered to be a retailer. If by "retailer" they mean every storefront shop, the statistic is obviously rediculous. If they mean national chain stores, the number is still misleading, as it would have us believe that 9 out of 10 of their stores have been hit by "organized retail crime" in the past year", a statistic which it provides no impirical data to back up.
It seems to me that a major campaign is underway to make Organized Retail Crime into a household word. Look for it in a news story soon.
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